jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010


-Do you love him?
-I don't know
-Why you don't know this question?
-Because..because it's very difficult know if I still love him..
-Listen, if you still love him, you will feel that you need something. Do you feel it?
-Sometimes I feel it, but I can't say nothing because he is very proud..and I can't say, that I still love him..
-Because if he loves me, he must come and say me: I love you and I want to come back with you..
-Do you can call him?
-Yes I can, but I don't want to do it.
-Because, I did it and nothing changed.
-But, probably if you do it now can something change.
-No, I have decided forget him as he did with me..

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010


This word exist?
Where is this word?
How feel this word?
Why people know this word?
Who is this word?

This word is one thing that I don't know, that I don't feel,
this word for me don't exist because at this moment I haven't known anyone that can do me feel it..

By: KaautaaR ElOtmani